Monday, March 30, 2009

Am I cool now?

Having recently just bought a super 8 camera and even more recently getting a super 8 projector, I transferred the footage myself and made a short clip from the first roll. Here it is (though I should get better by the next roll and so on):

I have been editing my part and it is practically done, minus a few tricks I still want to film and work into it. But I think I am settled on a song and have some opening quotes worked out. Too bad I don't have enough footage of anyone else to start editing a part for, even though there are people claiming parts (I won't believe it until I see it). Though, it is getting warmer.

Anyway, I am forgoing the reliance on these local dudes and am working on a video with the TNT (Team Nice Tits) Crew from the Thrasher messageboards. I am going to put a barrier only clip together for June and then a full video by September. It should be fun and with so many people, even if there aren't full parts, I will have lots of montages (a la Thrasher videos).

I will leave you with this old Tupac and Biggie clip:

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