Friday, November 03, 2006

The Infamous Sho Ma.

As some of you know, Sho Ma ditched us all for the motherland and moved off the Beijing, China a couple months ago or so. Well, he misses NYC and is moving back in January. Good thing, because every city ledge is missing those nollie flip frontside noseslides. Those of you that do not know who Sho Ma is, check out the clips in the archive of

Or check out this pic I took of him over a year ago:

This is what he has to say of China. "This place is full of international artists and hipsters who are persistent in avoiding Williamsburg's sky-high studio rent. Sums it up."

With that said, these are the only pictures I was able to get out of him.

I was hoping to get more of these:

Or these:

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