Friday, July 15, 2011

It's All About ME!

Watch me digitally beam right now...well, kinda. Been having some things happen, like getting my first (and probably last) cover on a skateboard magazine! Focus Magazine decided to use a photo that Ben Kilpatrick shot of me and sent in. Click on images to view larger.

We went to this spot one day because I figured someone could film a trick from one bench to the next one (I think Tim Bennett was on deck), and I started playing around on it, trying some trick, then realized that I was getting my ollies easily past the first bench, so I hucked a couple at the far bench, over the middle one and wasn't too far off. It got too dark that night to see what I was doing, so I went back the next day and ended up getting rained out, then went back another time and kept trying until I got too tired, then went back again and just as I was about to give up for the day, I stuck it. The landing being made of plastic made many attempts just slide across, which was tricky.

Next was the May issue of Thrasher! Ben Kilpatrick got a Skater's Eye feature and submitted a bunch of photos for them to choose from. One of the ones they selected was my 5-0 fakie in Philly from the Naysayer Tour last summer, which they ran half a page of.

Also, in the January issue of Focus, there was a tour article from our trip down south last summer, in which they ran a half page of my frontside wallride in Charlotte, NC. Here are the contents of the article.

I put together a full-length video for Naysayer called Know No (you can see it in parts here) and ended up having a little part myself:

Lastly, here are a couple other pictures Ben shot of me this year. This one is a super steep bank to wallride in Paris shot back in May.

This one is a woodjammer to fakie he shot in April, right after he moved to NYC.

Okay, that was kinda embarrassing. Enough about me, what's up with you??